Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Every day, I am thankful for...

  1. Water and its nature
  2. Friendships and their changes
  3. Moon and its light
  4. Patience and its grandness
  5. Inspiration for its bottomlessness
  6. My mom and her spirit
  7. The human body and its ability to heal itself and heal others
  8. Ideas and their forming
  9. Dreams and their way of working into reality
  10. History and its map to the present
  11. Language and expression
  12. Travels to close and far places and its effect on one's perception
  13. Taste buds and their way of being a guide into new places of heavenly tastes
  14. Train rides and the time one gets to read on them
  15. Self evolution and understanding
  16. Different cultures and their introspect into life
  17. All forms of love and its boundlessness
  18. Music and its world crossing and uniting effects
  19. My hands for always being there for me
  20. My feet for carrying me
  21. Films that start endless journeys
  22. Books that alter minds
  23. Joy = of giving, of sharing, of being
  24. Domino effect
  25. My eyes that can still see
  26. My ears that can still hear
  27. My skin for holding it together
  28. Photos that instantly replay and induce memory
  29. Movement and its stillness within
  30. Images that change the way we think, see and perceive
  31. Pain for its lessons and knowledge we gain
  32. Experience for its eventuality 
  33. Animals and their bond with nature
  34. Simplicity for its ground work in all that we call life
  35. Change for its constant presence

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